Hello and welcome to CarDeeply.com!
We’re incredibly pleased that you found your way to CarDeeply.com and are interested in getting to know the faces behind the blog. This is not just a hollow phrase you probably read in 99% of blogs, but simply the truth. We put a lot of heart, soul, time, and energy into every article we write and are very proud that YOU found your way to us.
So once again, great that you’re here!
Behind CarDeeply.com is a team of car maniacs (yes, you can say that), some of them with several years of experience. Admittedly, we are not engineers or car experts. But: We have all built up much knowledge and experience over the years. Therefore, we would confidently call ourselves car experts who have an answer to many questions and many models. On top of that, we drive or have driven many of the models we cover on CarDeeply.com ourselves in the past – the best example of this is Luna, who has written a great many articles in the Toyota RAV4 category and has been the proud owner of a RAV4 Hybrid herself since 2021.
Enough of the introductory words: Here are the faces behind CarDeeply.com…

Luna was part of the CarDeeply.com team from the beginning. Her greatest strength is to pack dry topics into exciting and solution-oriented instructions and articles. Who would have thought a RAV4 cylinder change manual could be so exciting 😅.
Luna has found her “calling” in pickups. Especially the Ford F-150 has done it to her. Not to be overlooked because the articles Luna has written about this very popular model have reached triple digits in the meantime.
Interview with Luna
Q: What vehicle are you currently driving?
A: I’m a proud owner of a Hybrid RAV4. It had been my dream for a few years and finally in 2021 I was able to get my hands on one. It’s the perfect car to balance urban and countryside life. The day I got the keys, I took my luggage and left for a road trip doing 2500km in two days and slightly over 15.000km in four months. That was the perfect way to welcome the RAV4 into my life!
Q: What is your dream car and why?
A: I’m originally from Modena, and if that name rings a bell, well, there’s a reason for it. Modena is known for its balsamic vinegar, Pavarotti, and… you guessed it! Ferrari! I’ve seen hundreds of them driving around the province and mountains. You can hear them roaring from a mile away. My dream is to drive a Ferrari one day and feel its power while enjoying the sights of Modena’s countryside!
Q: What do you enjoy most about your work for CarDeeply.com?
A: I’ve loved cars from a very young age. My grandfather was a mechanic his whole life and I grew up playing around in his garage, surrounded by tools and oil. Cardeeply was the perfect opportunity to dive deep into something I hold dear. I get to share my knowledge and learn even more every day!
Sebastian launched CarDeeply.com in the winter of 2021, fulfilling a big dream. Cars have been an integral part of his life since childhood (due to his father). He is 35 years old and has already personally experienced several cars in his life, including an Opel Corsa, a BMW 116i, a BMW 335i convertible and several SUVs, for example from Hyundai or VW. Currently (as of spring 2023), he has fallen in love with the Mazda XC-60.
Interview with Sebastian
Q: What vehicle are you currently driving?
A: With two small children, I have to be practical right now. That’s why we drive an Audi A4 Avant and a VW SUV.
Q: What is your dream car and why?
A: My father has owned a Porsche 911 cabriolet for many years, which I am occasionally allowed to drive myself. I love this car and would like to fulfill my dream of owning one in a few years. I drove a BMW 335i convertible (built in 2008) at the end of my 20s. I would describe this car as a dream car as well. Oh man, was I young in that photo 😂….

Q: What do you enjoy most about your work for CarDeeply.com?
A: I have to admit that I am a bit of a tech nerd and love managing the programming and maintenance of the blog. However, I have no less fun creating articles.